joi, 21 mai 2009

In sfarsit!

Romania, ..cazul numarul 006 (adica criminal autorizat), plin de crestini ce ar trebuii sa isi indrepte rugaciunile sfantului Juda (responsabil de cauzele pierdute) - desigur doar parerea mea, (influentata de multe zile petrecute in fata stirilor TV - ca nu o mers netu si by the alt laptop - gata cu rasnita ce a clacat pana la urma).....da semne de un puls slab...finally...ceva se misca si in tara asta...the land of choice!!!!...hai sa alegem sa ne mutam..daca tot asa ne indruma noul imn de promovare al Romaniei :)):))...pledez pt Germania (corectitudinea), Suedia (Sistem educational), Cehia (Praga e Praga) sau Portugalia (ca e portugalia si e sexy limba) :D

De ce???......printr-o campanie initiata de PROTv -"Avem viata in sange"-, in curand o sa avem un REGISTRU NATIONAL DE DONATORI NEINRUDITI..ce inseamna asta?....noi, oamenii sanatosi, putem dona celule stem vitale persoanelor bolnave de leucemie ce necesita un astfel de ne costa nimic iar prelevare de sange doare cat dureaza sa zici "peste". In plus.....marea majoritate a bolnavilor de leucemie sunt in prezent nevoiti sa isi indrepte atentia catre strainatate in speranta ca vor primii grefe de la donatorii de peste hotare, aceasta procedura fiind mult mai costisitoare, chiar triplu fata de cat ar putea costa un astfel de transplant efectuat in tara.

Momentan s-au adunat 450 de donatori....inutil sa mentionez ca in afara sunt milioane in fiecare tara.

Pe intelese pt toti:

Pasul 1

Ca sa se inscrie in Registru, donatorii trebuie sa faca o simpla analiza de sange. Proba va fi analizata din toate punctele de vedere, iar rezultatul (daca potentialul donator este apt pentru a dona) va fi aflat in doua-trei zile. Daca este sanatos si deci apt sa devina donator este inscris intr-o baza de date, adica in Registrul Donatorilor Onorifici.

Numai in cazul in care donatorul este compatibil 100% cu bolnavul, acesta va fi solicitat sa doneze celule stem.

Pasul 2

Daca este compatibil cu un bolnav, donatorul va fi supus unui tratament pentru ca celulele stem din maduva osoasa sa migreze catre sangele periferic.

Pasul 3

Pe vena se monteaza un cateter care este conectat la un aparat care seamana cu cel dializa. Procedura nu dureaza mai mult de doua ore si este fara riscuri pentru donatori.

Celulele stem hematopoetice extrase din organism se refac in cateva zile.

Celulele extrase din sange vor fi transplantate bolnavilor de leucemie, talasemie sau limfom Hodkin cu ajutorul unei simple perfuzii. In urma transplantului, pacientul are mari sanse de a deveni un om perfect sanatos.

Limpede? :D

Remember...azi esti sanatos...maine poti fi bolnavul aflat in aceasta situatie! - domne` fer - click aici ca sa vezi unde te poti inregistra!!!!

marți, 19 mai 2009

O noua pata!

The Verve - Rhater be

There`s no need for introductions
No dark corridors and fame
you`ll find your fortune
you might find some pain
i wanna lie, lie together
feels like our last embrace
in a world full of confusion
yeah, human race

But i`d rather be here than be anywhere
is there anywhere better than here?
you know these feelings i`ve found they are oh so rare
Is there anywhere better than here?

sometimes life seems to tear us apart
don`t wanna let you go
sometimes these feelings hidden
i start to cry
cause i won`t ever let you go

Mmmmmmmmm.... Multiplying

Always livin under some vow
Always on the eve of destruction
Make you wanna scream out loud
and as i watch the birds soar
amount of lies of which you spun
o mmmmmmmmmm, while i'm still crying
Oh another day is coming

Cause i`d rather be than be anywhere
is there anywhere better than here
You know these feelings i`ve found they are oh so rare
Is there anywhere better than here

Sometimes life seems to tear us apart
don`t wanna let you go
sometimes these feelings hidden
i start to cry
Cause i won`t ever let you go

But i`d rather be here than be anywhere
is there anywhere better than here
you know these feelings i`ve found they are oh so rare
is there anywhere better than here.

Sometimes these feelings hits me
sometimes these feelings hits me
these feelings are oh so rare....

duminică, 3 mai 2009

Demien Rice...again!

De data asta doar versurile....gandurile le tin pentru mine!

Leave me out with the waste
This is not what I do
It's the wrong kind of place
To be thinking of you
It's the wrong time
For somebody new
It's a small crime
And I've got no excuse

Is that alright?
Give my gun away when it's loaded
Is that alright?
If u don't shoot it how am I supposed to hold it
Is that alright?
Give my gun away when it's loaded
Is that alright
With you?

Leave me out with the waste
This is not what I do
It's the wrong kind of place
To be cheating on you
It's the wrong time
She's pulling me through
It's a small crime
And I've got no excuse

Is that alright?
I give my gun away when it's loaded
Is that alright?
If you dont shoot it, how am I supposed to hold it
Is that alright?
I give my gun away when it's loaded
Is that alright
Is that alright with you?

Is that alright?
I give my gun away when it's loaded
Is that alright?
If you don't shoot it, how am I supposed to hold it
Is that alright?
If I give my gun away when it's loaded
Is that alright
Is that alright with you?

Is that alright?
Is that alright?
Is that alright with you?
Is that alright?
Is that alright?
Is that alright with you?



Sunt nu .... epuizata!
Nu fac cel mai greu e sa nu faci nimic..pentru ca niciodata nu stii cand ai terminat!....asadar sunt obosita!

Multumesc Maca pentru conceptualizare! (oarecum cred :d)